The majority of Musculoskeletal Injuries are suitable for online Physiotherapy consultation, but if we determine that your injury or situation is not at all suitable for an online consultation by a Physiotherapist, we will let you know, and refund the cost of the consultation.
If you are unsure whether your injury is suitable for a consultation or not, send us an email, and we will let you know!
All Physiotherapy appointments start with a ‘subjective assessment’, in which the Physiotherapist will ask you a well-structured series of questions designed to discover what they need to know about your injury (without touching you). By the end of the subjective assessment, the Physio should already have a very clear idea of your probable diagnosis. The Physio may then perform some tests to conform this diagnosis.
YourOnline Physio Physiotherapistwill contact you with any further queries about your injury once they have reviewed your original assessment. They may prompt you to answer further questions, or perform certain movements, and will then assess your feedback regarding these. This process should clarify diagnosis. If we are ever unsure of your diagnosis, we will not hesitiate to refer you to an on site Physio.
Most people’s traditional view of Physiotherapy is that it involves “hands on” treatment. In reality, this is only a small portion of what Physios do to assist with injury management. Educating you about your condition, identifying contributing factors from your lifestyle, as well as instigating a structured and tailored exercise program, are some of the most important things Physiotherapistsdo.
Over the last 5 to 10 years, Physiotherapy has moved away from a reliance on complex machines and manual techniques, and towards rehabilitation programs carried out under guidance. This puts you in much more control of your own recovery. Research has shown that outcomes can, in fact, be better through online consultation, due to the empowering nature of the system.
Naturally, if we feel you have an injury that requires “hands on” Physiotherapy, we will let you know!
The wonders of modern technology open up a whole world of possibility. With your consultation, you receive unlimited follow up consultations. You could attach a photo or video of yourself doing the exercise/s, or even organise for us to check them via your webcam in real time!